A multitude of problems.

  1. Powerful, tough, and fast shouldn't be in the game. maybe fast by itself. Powerful just makes anything they do one shot, and tough makes them a bullet sponge. GOD HELP YOU IF YOU GET TWO OF THESE ON A DUNGEON BOSS.
  2. Aurora knight is broken behind belief. This enemy is the most likely to burn through all of my lives, especially as the boss, since he can summon hierophant that heal him. He lays more lasting effects, his balls and cone thing(which one shots you a lot if you are close enough while there is no telegraph), and his holy lightning circle when he does a d3 crusader. He also has an invincibility tied to the big circular explosion that regularly one shot, which, while I can dodge, fucks me over. During this, I can focus on his healing Summons to try and stop his healing, then have to deal with the massive ring that hard to dodge because of its depth. I can focus on him, but even if I stun him out, he gets healed by the summons.
  3. The republic robot is almost as bad, because he's not even stuck in an animation while he generates my daily scheduled bullet hell, and if he generated near him, then I cant go near without wasting at least one of my lives. His 4 direction blast also routes sometimes during the telegraph, so I get hit even if I react well.
  4. the general problem is the less-than-a-second telegraphs that a lot of these bosses have. Even when playing a rogue, I'll die if I get CCed once, and I'll run out of dodges when playing a warrfor or mage.

Replies: 2

Created: 4 years ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

also solid in that some of the Modfiers are to much but i didnt face 1 boss yes that couldnt be killed without dying, just a matter of stats. My mage with 240k hp and 86% all Resis just takes what ever they throw at him and goes on nuking shit out of them. My Shield Bomber with 480k shield just makes boom once and even bosses with 90m hp bite the dusk and if not i just do it again.

Builds and Gear matter extremly.

The Republic "Robot" is mean but also doable, his attacks all can be evaded.

Created: 4 years ago

also solid in that some of the Modfiers are to much but i didnt face 1 boss yes that couldnt be killed without dying, just a matter of stats. My mage with 240k hp and 86% all Resis just takes what ever they throw at him and goes on nuking shit out of them. My Shield Bomber with 480k shield just makes boom once and even bosses with 90m hp bite the dusk and if not i just do it again.

Builds and Gear matter extremly.

The Republic "Robot" is mean but also doable, his attacks all can be evaded.

Devenhawk Original Comment

I know gear matters. I'm gonna post something about adding a system that makes certain attributes more likely to drop so that I'm not stuck with mismatched gear types constantly just to get some of the attributes I want, causing me to be unable to dedicate to one type of defense. That's the fault of a classless system

Created: 4 years ago

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