Remove these forms

I know this probably won't happen, but apocalyptic forms aren't a good design element in this game.

There's no attachment to any of the forms, nor any way to integrate the forms into our actual character build. Currently forms are just used as a "oh sh**" button to get out of some trouble.

I know there is a connection to the campaign, but it isn't a central theme of the campaign so it seems silly to devote so much of the UI to this aspect of the game. Also having these "avatars" isn't good for an arpg - we players identify with our character not some arbitrary figure that looks the same for everyone. For ex. no one is a fan of D3's barbarian berserker model because it forces one form on every player that uses this skill.

So yeah, get rid of this aspect of Wolcen. Some day. :)

Replies: 3

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Even though they have no connection to the acutal build, why would you want to have them removed? As long they dont do any harm? Furthermore, i can think of ways of how to integrate them into the actual build. However, this requires some work and would be more of a nice-to-have aspect.

(Edited 3 years, 4 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago


Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

Even though they have no connection to the acutal build, why would you want to have them removed? As long they dont do any harm? Furthermore, i can think of ways of how to integrate them into the actual build. However, this requires some work and would be more of a nice-to-have aspect.

Moorleiche2k Original Comment

My post literally explains why I'd like them removed.

Sure, they do no harm. But, along with a long list of other bad design decisions, it would be a better game without this.

Created: 3 years, 4 months ago

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