Melee is unplayable, Bosses are unbeatable and Rage is broken! ....Yeah yeah... ;)

Sometimes i wonder if i've been trying the same game...
I had those recorded, i took the time to edit and upload that run!
So, here are the 3 bosses, on normal mode, on a melee character! (1st encounter each)



The Lambach


(and sorry if Lambach is a bit longer, i kept the lv10 required weapon until lv40...)

Replies: 11

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Category: Community

no one is talking about those bosses...

now finish campaign and do see how well u fare against lvl120+ rifts bosses.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

no one is talking about those bosses...

now finish campaign and do see how well u fare against lvl120+ rifts bosses.

Asgardian Original Comment

There are tons of posts about the act bosses being too strong, tons of posts about rage not working... etc

But sure, if that can make you happy, i'll post endgame content asap so you can find something else to bitch about!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

so just cos the game seems to work for your, all the 100's of ppl with problem are all liars. yeah thats some strong logic.

If the game worked as intented i would love to play the game. Thats the reason why i buy a game after all. But as it stands its not working at all.

(Edited 4 years, 2 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

so just cos the game seems to work for your, all the 100's of ppl with problem are all liars. yeah thats some strong logic.

If the game worked as intented i would love to play the game. Thats the reason why i buy a game after all. But as it stands its not working at all.

Asgardian Original Comment

I would rather say, this game is not functional AT ALL !

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yeah melee is unplayable right?


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yeah melee is unplayable right?


Flaktz Original Comment

The title was ironic.... clown! :p

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Geezus you dumbasses, certain builds are unplayable. The ones where you go strictly with the use of skills without any spells to dump the willpower. Because as it stands there are nodes for that specific playstyle, the ones that give you rage on kill and hit, the problem is you dont get rage if you dont have any willpower to transfer, the same way potions work. They don't really replenish your rage/willpower but rather just transfer one from another. And that's where the problem with generating rage lies, it relies on the ability to generate rage from nothing, not from transfering willpower!

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Geezus you dumbasses, certain builds are unplayable. The ones where you go strictly with the use of skills without any spells to dump the willpower. Because as it stands there are nodes for that specific playstyle, the ones that give you rage on kill and hit, the problem is you dont get rage if you dont have any willpower to transfer, the same way potions work. They don't really replenish your rage/willpower but rather just transfer one from another. And that's where the problem with generating rage lies, it relies on the ability to generate rage from nothing, not from transfering willpower!

wkdlkd Original Comment

There is a passive to dismiss willpower totally and only generate rage over time also, and it does work, i'm using it on the pure melee build, i have no spells.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

Geezus you dumbasses, certain builds are unplayable. The ones where you go strictly with the use of skills without any spells to dump the willpower. Because as it stands there are nodes for that specific playstyle, the ones that give you rage on kill and hit, the problem is you dont get rage if you dont have any willpower to transfer, the same way potions work. They don't really replenish your rage/willpower but rather just transfer one from another. And that's where the problem with generating rage lies, it relies on the ability to generate rage from nothing, not from transfering willpower!

wkdlkd Original Comment

yesterday i switch gems in rings and amulet and shield around so that i have more willpower transfer to rage in my build, this somehow seem to work, which is pretty weird to me and i a node that says will not generate willpower only rage...

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago


Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

yesterday i switch gems in rings and amulet and shield around so that i have more willpower transfer to rage in my build, this somehow seem to work, which is pretty weird to me and i a node that says will not generate willpower only rage...

Asgardian Original Comment

Well, in fact, with that node, you still get willpower for the rage you spend, it's just that you generate rage over time by default.

Created: 4 years, 2 months ago

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