Wrath of Sarisel: chest wipe, Uniques, trading

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Hello everyone!

The Wrath of Sarisel release is getting closer, and it’s now time to share with you some of the new rewards that you’ll be able to get with this coming patch. But first...

Personal chest wipe

We would like to inform you that a personal chest wipe is going to be done when Wrath of Sarisel is launched in order to permanently resolve a technical issue. We’ve also brought a lot of changes and improvements to affixes on the current items, leading them to be deprecated, but...

If you want to keep your high level items, gems, or enneracts, you can put them in your inventory or in secondary characters inventories. The item affixes will be rerolled when you’ll enter the game, so you might end up with something incredibly awesome, or something worse, but you’ll keep them. In addition to this, all passive and active skill points will be reset, as well as the attributes.

We know that it’s not ideal, but it’s the best solution we could find to avoid a complete wipe and allow you to jump right in the new challenges that will be available through Area alterations and Wrath of Sarisel.

Finally, we would also like to remind you that a complete character/chest wipe will be done for the release of the game in January 2020, so everyone can have a fresh start. We know that some of you are worried about that and we prefer to warn you again before, so there is no unpleasant surprise for you.



Yes, Trading will also be available with Wrath of Sarisel! You will be able to trade gold, Primordial Affinity and, of course, items of every shape and size. You need to be close to the person you wish to trade with to open a trade window.


There are two steps of validation to ensure safe transactions; if anything is changed in either player’s trade offer, the validation is canceled.


With Wrath of Sarisel we’re introducing more affixes on items, including “local affixes” which will affect protection or damage values on the designated item instead of affecting the global values on the character. When such an affix is present, the value affected is automatically updated with the bonus. We’ve also worked on item tooltips to improve clarity and we hope that you will appreciate it!

Bear in mind that the balancing is subject to change before the release of the patch.





There are still 5/12 other uniques for you to discover when Wrath of Sarisel goes live, which should be quite soon now!

Thank you for your support!

Replies: 8

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Category: Announcements

And this is exactly why I haven't started playing yet.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

Where I should put the items so they wont delete ? on the char itself of in the stash ?

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

If you want to keep your high level items, gems, or enneracts, you can put them in your inventory or in secondary characters inventories.

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

WOW. 100+ hours of grinding for nothing. Kindly find another good options without wiping the character on 2020 release. thanks

Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

WOW. 100+ hours of grinding for nothing. Kindly find another good options without wiping the character on 2020 release. thanks

Tony Yang Original Comment

If you want to keep your high level items, gems, or enneracts, you can put them in your inventory or in secondary characters inventories.


Created: 4 years, 8 months ago

It was not for nothing Tony Yang, every data/feedback we collected during these tests allow us to make a better game at the release. But the final wipe has always been planned and it needs to happen considering your characters have a progression they won't be able to reach at the release of the game (including level 40 talents/skills and gear).

(Edited 4 years, 7 months ago)

Created: 4 years, 7 months ago

Good work guys, i would like to play the final version of the game. This patch will come in the new week ? I hope so :)

Created: 4 years, 7 months ago

Excellent work guys! I'm really looking forward to the whole package while meanwhile testing each part you provide us :)

@OverPowered Did you even read the article? Now it's too late but they explicitly stated that to save them you need to have items in your inventory.

@Tony Yang Are you serious? You really expect to keep your progress and staff from alfa and beta when a full game release? When did that ever happen and how bad the game was? :-D It's totally obvious that when the game releases for everyone our progress will be reseted so we can all start at the same point. And this is as it should be.

Created: 4 years, 7 months ago

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