Wolcen Chronicle 1: Bloodtrail - Available today!

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Hello everyone,

The servers of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem are now offline while we prepare for the release of our Wolcen Chronicle 1: Bloodtrail, and allow you to pre-download the update.

Until the Chronicle is released this evening, you will not be able to play Wolcen whether it is online or offline, but here are some details that you might enjoy before joining the hunt!

The full Patch Notes are available soon.

Here is a short summary of what you can expect in this first major update.

We’ve added a new Game Mode: Chronicles.

Chronicles allows you to play with a new character in a completely fresh economy, and access the seasonal events during the campaign and in the endgame. This specific event will require you to successfully track a Prey and make decisions during your hunt to make it more or less challenging depending on the choices you make. This will allow you to customize your hunt in order to earn even more powerful rewards!

Hunters are commonly known for having a faithful companion, so we have also introduced Pets to that first Chronicle!

We have also added new endgame buildings in the Champion of Stormfall Game Mode, including a new Narrative Bloodtrail event where you will work with a new character: Ilthain, from the Order of Oshara, to find clues on the whereabouts of the missing Dragon Matriarch. Finishing all the narrative missions, including the Chronicle Boss, will earn you 4 baby dragon pets, and the Order of Oshara armor skin.

Kickstarter backers will be able to receive their armor skins and pet skins from their pledge. To find out how you can claim your rewards, we’ve made a specific FAQ. These skins are also Steam inventory items, so you can trade them with other players, but you will lose the ability to use them in-game if you choose to do so.

In addition to these Chronicle specific content, a new skill is available to Ranger/Rogue archetypes, and the balancing has been completely overhauled to give more meaningful upgrades from the Gate of Fates and gear, but also more reasonable values when it comes to damage numbers in-game.

We redesigned the Active Skills tree, you will now select Damage Types independently from other modifiers.

More than 70 new Damage Type Modifiers have been added to the Active Skills and 40 new minor modifiers have been added as well.

We revisited the crafting approach by adding a new Crafting UI that will allow players to have more understanding and control over the outcome of their craft.

Stay tuned on Twitch!

We are working with several Twitch streamers to give you the possibility to receive a unique and stylish pet: the Time-Devourer Wolf.

All you have to do is link your Wolcen and Twitch accounts, then watch one of our partnered streamers playing Wolcen for about 1 hour.

Make sure to check the FAQ to see the list of eligible streamers and follow the steps to link your Wolcen account to Twitch.

A new update means that some bugs might have slipped past our team, but rest assured we will be working on fixes as fast as we possibly can. If this happens, please contact our Customer Support and provide us with as many details as possible.

Finally, we will continue to develop and bring even more free updates in the future, and we hope that you will enjoy it as much as we did, developing and supporting Wolcen to new heights for the community.

This is only the beginning of this journey to bring the game where our community wants it to be.

Please don’t hesitate to share your feedback, ideas and suggestions, we will read them carefully.

Replies: 14

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Announcements

Oh yeah excited for the update. Just started playing the game yesterday.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Ehh, when was this playable again?

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Here's to hoping this isn't just a little bait to hook me back in, I hope theirs some actual activity and transparency this time around, the game could be good if it was just worked on routinely, I do wish instead of Pets and Housing I was hearing about new items, gear sets, and skills (sorry one for 2 classes doesn't count) so I'm still cautious. Good luck.

(Edited 3 years, 5 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

right in time to distract from my sad pathetic & fruitless quest finding a cheap 3080, ps5 or xbsx... :)

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Great news!

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

when will this be back up and playable in CST?

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

What time can we expect to be able to play??

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

What time can we expect to be able to play??

paul_k_84 Original Comment

2-5weeks thats what happend last time

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

What time can we expect to be able to play??

paul_k_84 Original Comment

Hi there, you can play Wolcen Chronicle 1: Bloodtrail now!

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Must say I was excited to play hoping that the update fixed some bugs(Like I said I only started playing yesterday pre patch) but the game is just really buggy.

No sound bug
Menu to select hunt choice does not fit in my screen(3840x1200)
Had a bug where I was not able to move and could not pickup epic items

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Bonsoir à tous !

Je joue à Wolcen depuis la sortie en mars. J'ai connu le jeu avec tellement de bug que c'était à peine jouable. Avec des skills tellement inutiles et d'autres tellement OP que s'en était ridicule (ceux qui ont connu cette époque se souviendront longtemps des critiques de Juggernaut). Les amis avec qui j'avais acheté le jeu à l'époque ont arrêté de jouer à cause de tout ça, mais j'ai tenu bon. J'ai vraiment apprécié le jeu et ses mécaniques, son univers, son aspect graphique... bref, j'ai aimé le jeu, et je l'aime toujours.

Je joue toujours en solo donc, et j'étais très impatient de voir ce que Bloodtrail allait donner. J'ai testé le mode Legacy ce soir, et bon sang, je suis bien déçu.

Donc, vous avez fait le choix de revoir les stats entièrement. C'est surprenant et vraiment dommage. Quand on met 17 patches à trouver un équilibrage à peu près correct, on casse pas tout sur un coup de tête comme ça, parce que les barres de vies sont trop hautes. Je peux comprendre la logique derrière, mais le problème c'est que c'est désormais impossible de se rendre compte des choix que l'on fait par rapport à son build précédent. Et on est obligé de revoir son build, puisque l'arbre des passifs à changé, et que les façons de calculer la moitié des stats n'a plus rien à voir avec la façon dont s'était fait la semaine dernière. En somme, Wolcen est devenu un nouveau jeu, et toute la connaissance acquise en passant neuf mois à peaufiner son build ne sert plus à rien. On redémarre de 0.

Dans le même temps, les objets lootés avant le patch gardent leur stats d'origine. Donc, c'est encore plus dur de se faire une idée des "vrais" changements puisque si tu gardes ton stuff, t'es tellement fort que tu roules sur les ennemis même 40 niveaux au dessus de toi, avec une seule main sur le clavier. C'est drôle 5 secondes, mais on finit vite par équiper le premier item venu pour essayer de retrouver une sensation de jeu normale. Donc en plus de devoir refaire les passifs à l'aveugle, on perd tout simplement son stuff.

Je ne comprend vraiment pas ce choix, vous avez reroll les items uniques, mais les objets rares et légendaires conservent leurs stats avec juste un disclaimer pour prévenir que "attention cet objet risque d'être unbalanced" (bah ouais tu m'étonnes). Cette petite phrase, elle sent le chef de projet qui explique aux dévs qu'ils ont une semaine pour tout revoir. Ca doit sans doute être un énorme boulot, c'est sur, mais dans ce cas, prenez plus de temps pour le faire. Il y avait pas urgence selon moi à revoir les stats aussi drastiquement.

Je vais vous dire, je me sens trahi, voilà ^^ J'ai pas testé le nouveau contenu, je créerai probablement un nouveau perso ce week-end pour voir, et j'imagine que ça se passera bien puisque je recommencerai vraiment "de 0". Mais je vous trouve vraiment gonflés d'envoyer se faire voir les joueurs qui vous sont restés fidèles envers et contre tout pendant 9 mois, tout ça pour introduire une nouvelle façon de farmer. Ah, et des pitits dragons mignons, et des skins d'armure aussi, c'est vrai.

Allez, sans rancune, et bonne soirée.

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Je vais attendre de recevoir les récompenses du Kickstarter (ticket envoyé au support), et je vais me replonger dans Wolcen. J'ai beaucoup aimé le faire à sa sortie en duo, vous avez fait du très bon boulot.

(Edited 3 years, 5 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Can the Bloodtrail update be played in offline mode? I have 150 ping to servers, so I want to play in offline mode, but is it the same as online mode?

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Sent in a ticket because I never received any keys for backer armor etc. skins and what not. 4 days passed and not got a reply yet :/ Do I have to run through the game once more before getting these things?

I mean I could do that, but it kind of makes those items/whatever it is, completely useless. Already felt they were useless as they didn't come out until now? But for all I know, they are still not available as I haven't received nothing so far.

(Edited 3 years, 5 months ago)

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

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