Returning after a few years

Hi All,

Updated and started in online private game (as before) after a break from the game and encountered some odd things:

  1. All my characters (lvl 40 which was max lvl last time I've played) have exactly the same gear (equipped and in the bag)
  2. All skill and talents have bee reset
  3. My stash box has reset, i.e. all items gone and I'd need to purchase the very first tab
  4. The Town building progress is gone, doesn't show at all

Would appreciate any help how to fix that. Or is that "normal" and I need to start all over?

Cheers Euclid

PS: Forgot to mention that due to 1. some skills are greyed-out as they can only used with staves or catalysts. E.

Replies: 2

Created: 1 year ago

Category: Gameplay

Nvm, just found the Wrath of Sarisel: Patch Note 1.2.0:

" All attributes, Active and Passive points have been reset.
Character chests have been wiped.
Items in your character inventory will be rerolled to include all the new affixes."

Just a shame that all my crafing items, gems and stashed gear are lost but I guess I'm not alone :-(

Cheers Euclid

Created: 1 year ago

Nvm, just found the Wrath of Sarisel: Patch Note 1.2.0:

" All attributes, Active and Passive points have been reset.
Character chests have been wiped.
Items in your character inventory will be rerolled to include all the new affixes."

Just a shame that all my crafing items, gems and stashed gear are lost but I guess I'm not alone :-(

Cheers Euclid

Created: 1 year ago

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