Nice to see the act 2 boss is still impossible.

I would have thought after almost 12 months that you guys would change the act 2 boss second phase to not one shot you 24-7. You cant dodge it, the stuff on the ground stays too long. You dodge like the promt shows and you just run into the previous crap on the ground that one shots you. Then you have the stupid light bs you have to follow but you cant because there's an egg right where you need to stand to not get 1 shot and guess what? The egg blows up and one shots you. I have 4300 hp counting my shield and i still cant beat this stupid ass boss.

Replies: 2

Created: 3 years, 5 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Set it to story mode just for that boss, thats what i did.

Created: 3 years, 1 month ago

Lol. get gud? No really though this boss is the most fun engaging thing the game has. Yesterday did an act 1 race with my friend beat him by a few mins, today we did act2. I died to act 2 boss 2 times but very rewarding kill on third try. And mind you this is with very underleveld, under geared, under skilled characters because we didn't spend time at all to work on that stuff just went asap to the boss to finish before each other. I did it with a caster which was added hardmode. attack speed so freaking slow to regen willpower hard to dodge stuff and still do dmg. really fun fight I wouldn't want it changed.

Created: 2 years, 10 months ago

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