Create great raid bosses with a map filled with a lot of bosses for 4 players with new end game reward

Create great raid bosses with a map filled with a lot of bosses for 4 players with new end game reward


Shark teeth pendant to equip on ear - with 4 random affixes. (so you can make a lot of stuff like a horn to tigh on belt etc).
Bear Cape - with 4 random affixes, (so you can drop a lot of diffent fur animals capes).

These stuff just could be dropped after reaching endgame. So it would give a lot more things to pursue.

Replies: 1

Created: 3 years, 11 months ago

Category: Feedback & Suggestions

Nice Idea for somehow Content.

+add possible Juwel-Sockets for Uniques, based on xx% Drop-Chance.
That will upgrade the Item-Grade with less work
More unique Unique-Items.


Created: 3 years, 11 months ago

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