Plagueburst : huge visibility problem

Hello everyone, i decided to come back after 3 years of waiting about the release of Act 3.
So i did last night a fresh start, kinda like a SSF perspective and i did a summoner minions build which is kinda cool, and plagueburst is really good, visually speaking, the gamefeel is nice and it's really pleasant to see all these trash mobs being One Shotted.
BUT, there's a major problem here :

Through the entire Act 1, i was able to see the area of effect, the green effect has a nice render,
Through the entire Act 2, the AoE was visible between 25 to 50%, but i was still able to see it,
And in Act 3 : the AoE isn't visible at all. I cast it, the effect is here, mobs are poisonned but I CAN'T, SEE, IT.

I put all my graphics at the higher level possible, with or without vsync, the matter's still here.
Dammit, how after 3 years, this kind of bug is still here ?

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Created: 1 year, 1 month ago

Category: Bugs & Issues

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